God’s strength does not stand in the way of His quietness.
In the list of the loudest animals of the world, the African lion holds one of the most honorable places. The volume of the lion’s roar can reach up to 87 decibels! To compare, the volume of rustling leaves is 10 dB, and the volume of a regular conversation is 40 dB.
QUESTION: How far can one hear the lion’s menacing roar?
The roar of an adult lion is so loud that it can be heard at a distance of 5 miles (8 kilometers)! Truly it is not for nothing that the lion is called the “King of beasts.” The imagery of a Lion applied to God is repeatedly found in the
Bible, for example:
“For this is what the Lord told me: ‘Just as a lion or a young lion growls over his objects of prey, – even when a whole band of shepherds is called out against it, it is not alarmed at their shouting or disturbed by their clamor – so the Lord of the Heavenly Armies will come down to do battle on Mount Zion and on its hill.’” (Isaiah 31:4)
In the New Testament we also find God portrayed as a Lion:
“‘Stop crying,’ one of the elders told me. ‘Look! The Lion from the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered. He can open the scroll and its seven seals.’ Then I saw a lamb standing in the middle of the throne, the four living creatures, and the elders. He looked like he had been slaughtered.” (Revelation 5:5–6)
Here in this passage Jesus Christ is called the Lion. But this is a very unusual Lion. When John looks at Him, he sees a Lamb rather than a Lion. Jesus Christ is the Lion with a tender heart of a lamb. And at the same time He is the Lamb with a courageous heart of a lion. There is no animal like this in the world, and therefore such a combination is a true miracle. In the character of Jesus Christ every person will find something special for them. The strong can learn humility from Him, and the fearful can learn courage.
PRAYER: Worship our strong God whose might is greater than that of a lion, but who is kind and just at the same time. Thank God for His “heart of a lion” that always defends the truth.
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