Worship Alphabet

Revealing the Creator, God of the Bible
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Our books about worshipping God are already available in English, German, Ukrainian, Chinese and Russian languages.

New resource for daily worship

365 Perfections of God

the desktop perennial calendar by Serhii Solohub Beginning your morning by meditating on God. Worshiping God alphabetically, as did the heroes of the Bible. Getting know Creator daily, as if for the first time. Every year.
Worship Alphabet Logo Worship Alphabet
365 Perfections of God - Calendar

Resource for family worship

Kitchen Table Devotions book cover

Kitchen Table Devotions

worshiping God from A-Z as a family by Sergey Sologub This book was originally written in Russian and has been so well received that it has been translated into Ukrainian, German, and Chinese so far, with minimal content adjustments for language and cultural considerations. Moody Publishers is privileged to present the English version to our readers.

"..that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him" (1Pet.2:9)

Practical Resources
for worshiping God

Resources for worshiping as a family

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List of characteristics & attributes of God

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