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Different forms of family prayer

Use different forms of prayers and different ways of communicating the truth. For example, in our Bible study we use the following creative approaches:

  • Read the passage by characters or perform a sketch.
  • Draw Bible stories on paper. Recently we asked our children to draw how they imagine the world of Adam and Eve would be today had they not fallen. The children created wonderful drawings!
  • Watch a video clip on the subject of the passage. During one of the evenings, we watched a clip about the Ark of the Covenant (from a film about David). Prior to that our younger son, whenever he heard of an ark, always asked, “Dad, is this the same ark where Noah had all those animals, or is it a different one?” After he saw the Ark of the Covenant with its poles, everything fell into place, and it helped us read the story from 2 Samuel 6 without any stress.
  • Make a suitable origami.

A creative approach is a vivid part of the agenda, the “relevant worship.” Summing up we should note that in the practice of family worship evenings it’s a good idea to adhere to the model that we call “permanent impermanence.” Make every family worship evening creative and special while keeping its main essence – worship of God.


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Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3
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