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Gloryfication of Christ by 25 persons of the Bible

Gloryfication of Christ Jesus pronounced by 25 persons of the Bible:

Prophet Moses, what do you think of Christ?
He is the One who will crush the devil-serpent’s head.

Jacob the patriarch, what do you think of Christ?
He is the Great Lawgiver whose is the obedience of the nations.

Job the sufferer, what do you think of Christ?
He is the Living Redeemer who in the end will stand upon the earth!

King David, what do you think of Christ?
He is my Lord to whom the Lord says, “Sit at my right hand.”

Isaiah the prophet, what do you think of Christ?
He is Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Prime Minister Daniel, what do you think of Christ?
He is the Anointed One who will be cut off even though there will no blame on him.

Zechariah, the prophet of Judah, what do you think of Christ?
He is the Branch who will branch out from his place and build the temple of the Lord.

Hosea, the prophet of Israel, what do you think of Christ?
After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will restore us.

Malachi, the prophet of God, what do you think of Christ?
He is the Lord you are seeking, and the Messenger of the covenant whom you desire.

Elizabeth, the relative of Mary, what do you think of Christ?
He is blessed by God from the moment he is born!

John the Baptist, what do you think of Christ?
He is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the whole world!

Righteous Simeon, what do you think of Christ?
He is the light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory of the people of Israel!

Mary, mother of Christ, what do you think of him?
Do whatever he tells you!13

Jewish leaders, what do you think of Christ?
He is the One who has deep knowledge of the Scriptures without having studied.

Temple guards, what do you think of Christ?
No one ever spoke the way this man does!

Samaritans, what do you think of Christ?
We know that this man really is the Savior of the world!

Nicodemus the Pharisee, what do you think of Christ?
He has come from God, for no one could perform the miraculous signs he was doing if God were not with him.

Herod the ruler, what do you think of Christ?
Who is this that I hear such things about?

Disciple Cleopas, what do you think of Christ?
He is the Prophet, powerful in word and deed before God and all the people.

Apostle Peter, what do you think of Christ?
He is the precious Stone, rejected by men but chosen by God!

Martha, Mary’s sister, what do you think of Christ?
I believe that he is the Christ, the Son of God, who was to come into the world.

Christ’s disciples, what do you think of him?
He is Great and Powerful, he commands even the winds and water, and they obey him!

Roman centurion, what do you think of Christ?
Surely this was a righteous man!

Apostle Paul, what do you think of Christ?
He loved me and gave himself for me.

Heavenly Father, our Lord, what have you told us about Christ?
This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him!


1Genesis 3:15 2Genesis 49:10 3Job 19:25 4Psalm 110:1 5Isaiah 9:6 6Daniel 9:26 7Zechariah 6:12 8Hosea 6:2 9Malachi 3:1 10Luke 1:42 11John 1:29 12Luke 2:32 13John 2:5 14John 7:15 15John 7:46 16John 4:42 17John 3:2 18Luke 9:9 19Luke 24:19 201 Peter 2:4 21John 11:27 22Luke 8:25 23Luke 23:47 24Galatians 2:20 25Luke 9:35

by Sergey Sologub

Bible verses quoted and paraphrased from NIV


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